
Reframing Strength and Conditioning: Building a Model for Skill and Physical Development



HNFC, in the collaboration with the Most Popular Educational Organizations in the US in the field of exercise and health science, launches a new series of mini workshops with specialized topics. This program will take place at our HNFC Academy venues, as well as via Live Streaming (HD).

Next Workshop: 8 December 2024 (16:00 – 21:00)

NSCA Greece
Reframing Strength and Conditioning: Building a Model for Skill and Physical Development

For the first time in Greece, NSCA Greece, in collaboration with HNFC Academy, proudly presents the groundbreaking workshop “Reframing Strength and Conditioning: Building a Model for Skill and Physical Development”. This workshop is designed for fitness and performance professionals seeking to establish a comprehensive model for skill and physical capacity development.

Beginning with an exploration of the fundamental principles of strength and conditioning, this workshop introduces a systematic framework for assessing and developing movement competency and physical performance. Participants will learn how to progress from foundational movement skills to advanced physical preparation, ensuring a holistic approach to athlete development.

Key Learning Objectives:

Understand Strength and Conditioning Foundations: Discuss core principles, challenges, and the dual focus on skill and physical capacity development.

Apply a Systematic Framework: Learn a structured approach to developing motor skills and enhancing physical capacities through progressive stages.

Identify and Address Performance Limitations: Explore methods for diagnosing and addressing mobility, motor control, and capacity issues.

Progress from Skill to Physical Capacity: Understand how to integrate movement learning and physical preparation to optimize performance.

Bridge Science and Practical Application: Apply theoretical models to real-world training scenarios, creating adaptable and effective programs.

The presenter of this workshop will be Dr. Joseph Esformes Ph.D. CSCS