During this period the holder of the NASM CPT certification will have to attend a number of trainings (20 hours minimum) in order to collect the necessary Continual Educational Units (CEUs) and prove that he/she remains up to date in order to be able to renew his/her certificate. Certification renewal The renewal process aims to promote continuous professional development, the cultivation of knowledge and the improvement of professional skills. When does renewal take place? The holder of the CPT by NASM Personal Trainer certification must undergo a reexamination in order to maintain the validity of their certification every two years. What are the requirements for renewal? CPT graduates, must earn 2 continuing education credits (2 CEUs) from accredited educational programs within the two-year period. These programs should be focused on: 1. New coaching techniques. 2. New ways of evaluation. 3. Advanced asceticisms. 4. Ways of designing exercise programmes. 5. Nutrition. 6. Customer relations and sports marketing. What is the review procedure: 1. Provide certified copies of the diplomas you attended. 2. A photocopy of your CPT by NASM and CPR (CPR – AED) diploma 3. As well as the cost of the review worth 190 Euros.