Human Movement Science 2 by AFAA – Mobility and Movement Preservation Seminar Part 2
Sustaining Mobility and Movement, Foot, Foot, Foot and Knee In the second part of the AFAA® Sustaining Mobility Movement, you will gain an in-depth understanding of the functional anatomy of the foot, ankle and knee and how to correct imbalances you notice in your groups to improve movement. Sedentary lifestyles and repetitive movements often lead to imbalances in static and dynamic posture, as well as injuries, which can affect your clients’ ability to fully participate in training without pain or discomfort. You will learn how to evaluate and implement selected corrective practices, incorporating specific exercises, stretches, and warm-up based on the incorrect movements you have identified among your clients. As a participant will feel a difference in movement and mobility through these exercises, problems such as plantar fasciitis, acute tibial pain, sprains and ”runner’s knee” may improve over time.
NASM 0.7 CEU’s
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