The programme includes: ● A downloadable electronic manual ● A 60-minute video. Program material: Chapter 1: Introduction and evidence for shoulder conditions Chapter 2: Shoulder pain with mobility deficits Chapter 3: Shoulder impingement syndrome and rotator cuff problems Chapter 4: Shoulder pain with instability and injury Chapter 5: Rehabilitation theories for the throwing athlete Chapter 6: Case study 1 Chapter 7: Case study 2

Clinical Overview Shoulder Pain by FMS – Seminar Approach to the classification and management of patients with shoulder pain
Program Points: to be announced (according to the FMS page). This online course is designed for healthcare providers who treat patients with shoulder dysfunction and pain.
This course serves to utilize current best evidence for patients with shoulder pain and to incorporate the regional interdependence model as assessed through the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA).
The course covers the primary shoulder diagnoses commonly encountered in the rehabilitation setting.
It is based on current classification systems for shoulder pain and includes demonstration of evidence-based examination and most common treatment techniques (manual therapy and therapeutic exercise) for each primary condition covered, including shoulder impingement, shoulder girdle instability, rotator cuff pathology, and more The course is offered in English via the FMS (USA) online platform.
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