The program includes:FMS Level 1 “The Movement Experience” Certification ● Gain knowledge of the science of human movement ● Learn the FMS-based assessment process ● Understand the difference between Motor Control and Mobility ● Learn how to perform the initial and final assessment.
● Be able to interpret the scoring system (Scoring System) ● Implement therapeutic/corrective exercises based on scores. FMS Level 2 – Advanced Correctives ● Correct common errors in the assessment process.
● Identify Mobility (Mobility) or Motor Control (Motor Control) limitations.
● Understanding the correlation of the various assessment tests.
● Learning therapeutic/corrective and basic exercises.
● Understanding the process of applying appropriate exercises based on measurement results.
● Introduction of therapeutic/corrective exercises in program design.
● Use of FMS scores to determine which patterns to implement.
FMS Level 1 + 2 Certification Exam passers will receive 1 year of free membership to which includes: ● Creating a “My FMS” online profile at ● Access to the online exercise library.
● Instructional videos, podcasts and articles.
● Access to the FMS PRO APP for mobile and tablet (available on App Store & Google Play).
● Freedom to use the FMS PRO APP software.Program Material:FMS Level 1 “The Movement Experience” Certification
Chapter 1: Introduction to FMS 1 Chapter 2: History of Control Chapter 3: Understanding the “why” of FMS Chapter 4: Overview of Control Chapter 5: Deep Squat (DS) Chapter 6: Hurdle Steps (HS) Chapter 7: Inline Lunge (ILL) Chapter 8: Big 3/Little 4 Chapter 9: Shoulder Mobility/ Shoulder Mobility (SM) Chapter 10: Active Straight Leg Raise (ASLR) Chapter 11: Trunk Stability Push-Up (TSPU) Chapter 12: Rotational Stability / Rotary Stability (RS) Chapter 13: FMS Scoring Chapter 14: Reference Chapter 15: Programming Chapter 16: Case Study #1 Chapter 17: Case Study #2 Chapter 18: Lesson Conclusion Chapter 19: Additional Resources Appendix #1: The Motor Control Screen (MCS) Appendix #2: The Modified FMS (FMS-M)
FMS Level 2 – Advanced Correctives Chapter 1: Correcting common errors in the evaluation process. Chapter 2: Identifying Mobility or Motor Control constraints. Chapter 3: Understanding how different assessment tests may be related. Chapter 4: Learning therapeutic/corrective and basic exercises. Chapter 5: Understanding the process of applying appropriate exercises based on the results of FMS measurements. Chapter 6: Introducing therapeutic/corrective exercises into program design. Chapter 7: Using FMS scores to determine which patterns to apply. Appendix #1: Overview of key concepts Appendix #2: Additional examples

Functional Movement Screen Level 1+2 by FMS – Certification
Program Points: Level 1: 1.2 NASM / Level 2: 1.5 NASM
The FMS is a screening tool used to identify muscle limitations or asymmetries and includes seven (7) fundamental movement patterns that are important for the quality of functional movement in people who are not in pain and do not have a musculoskeletal injury.
The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) Level 2 course focuses on vital concepts of motor fitness and exercise programming. You will learn how to select the best exercises for your trainees based on the results of the Functional Movement Screen, so you will be able to offer them a personalized exercise pathway for their lifelong motor health.
FMS is a valuable tool for all fitness and health professionals.
This program includes both FMS Level 1 + Level 2 certifications.
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