Στο πρόγραμμα περιλαμβάνονται:

● Αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα & οδηγός μελέτης
● Εγχειρίδιο σε ηλεκτρονική μορφή
● Βίντεο διαλέξεων
● Βίντεο εφαρμογής και παραδειγμάτων ασκήσεων
● Βιβλιοθήκη με ειδικό ασκησιολόγιο
● Kουίζ ανά κεφάλαιο
● 2 Τεστ προσομοίωσης (100 ερωτήσεων)

Ύλη προγράμματος:

Section 1: Coaching and Sport Psychology
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Performance Training Profession
Chapter 2: Coaching and Interpersonal Communication Skills
Chapter 3: Psychology in Sports Performance

Section 2: Introduction to Sport Science
Chapter 4: Introduction to Integrated Performance Training
Chapter 5: Physiological Adaptations to Sports Performance Training
Chapter 6: Human Movement Science

Section 3: Assessments, Testing, and Monitoring
Chapter 7: Athlete Intake, Needs Analysis, and Movement Assessments
Chapter 8: Sport Performance Testing and Evaluation

Section 4: Components of the Integrated Training Model
Chapter 9: Flexibility Concepts for Maximal Performance
Chapter 10: Core Training Concepts for Maximal Performance
Chapter 11: Balance Training Concepts for Maximal Performance
Chapter 12: Reactive Strength and Plyometric Training Concepts for Maximal Performance
Chapter 13: Speed, Agility, and Quickness Training Concepts for Maximal Performance
Chapter 14: Resistance Training Concepts for Maximal Performance
Chapter 15: Olympic Weightlifting for Maximal Performance
Chapter 16: Energy Systems Training for Maximal Performance
Chapter 17: Recovery for Performance Enhancement

 Section 5: Program Design
Chapter 18: The Science of Biomotor Ability Development and Periodization
Chapter 19: Programming for Maximal Athletic Performance using NASMs Optimal Performance Training™ (OPT™) Model
Chapter 20: Training for Injury Resistance and Return to Performance after Injury
Chapter 21: Youth Training Principles and Long-Term Athlete Development

Section 6: Nutrition and Supplementation
Chapter 22: Performance Nutrition
Chapter 23: Supplementation and Ergogenic Aids

Προϋποθέσεις προγράμματος:

● Πιστοποίηση Προσωπικού Γυμναστή CPT by NASM, ή
● Πρόσφατη πιστοποίηση fitness αναγνωρισμένη απο τις NCCA, NBFE ή DETC, ή
● Πιστοποίηση REPs, επιπέδου 3 ή υψηλότερη ή
Πτυχίο 4-ετούς φοίτησης σε κολλέγιο
● Πτυχίο Πανεπιστημίου (ΤΕΦΑA) ή
● ΤΕΙ Φυσικοθεραπείας